- EMBnet node in Oslo .
- RNA World
- EBI , the EMBL Outstation Hinxton.
- EMBL , Heidelberg.
- EMBnet , the European network for molecular biology.
- BIOSCI , Bionet electronic newsgroups.
- CBS , Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark.
- Expasy , Geneve.
- BIBISERV , Bielefeld University Bioinforrmatics Server.
- Nee-How , The Bioresource Finder
- BSM , Biomolecular Structure and Modelling at UCL.
- Human Genome Project Information
- Sanger centre , Hinxton, England.
- SEQNET , Daresbury, England.
- The Johns Hopkins University BioInformatics Web Server.
- W. M. Keck Center for advanced training in computational biology.
- B3E , Bioinformatics in France.
- UK MRC HGMPRC UK Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre.
- NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA).
- NLM National Library of Medicine (USA).
- CGATBSS , Canadian Genome Analysis & Technology (CGAT) Bioinformatics Support Services.
- DDBJ DNA data bank, Japan.
- GDB Genome Data Base.
- ANGIS Australian National Genomic Information Service.
- ANU Bioinformatics Hypermedia Service .
- HUM-MOLGEN Human Molecular Genetics.
- BioMOO The Virtual Meeting Place for Biologists
- BioBox , Finland.
- Information theory and molecular biology , Tom Schneider's group.
- ISREC (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research), Bioinformatics Group.
- DoubleTwist
- WWW in Biology , bionet.software.www.
- UCSC Computational Biology .
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at George Mason University .
- Computational Biology USC , University of Southern California.
- HUJI , Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hadassah Medical School: The Genomic and BioInformatics Server.
- Centre of Bioinformatics , Peking.
- Bioexchange.com